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A few of the Directed Reading features
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The Directed Reading application has 3 primary user roles: Adminstrator, Preceptor, and General User. Preceptors only interacts with the General Users they are assigned. Admnistrators are able to interact with all General Users.
Site administrators can add and manage general users (residents) easily. The general user role is consider the primary learner within this application.
Site administrators are able to create custom content areas to help organize their objective items. These content areas act like categories.
Site administrators are able to add their own objective items and assign them to individual general users (residents). Each general user can have their own unique list of assigned objectives.
Directed Reading has some customizable setting options that allow site administrators the ability to set different rules, scales and other details per user group (the term used withinthe applicaiton is "organization").
Directed Reading contains a few built in reporting options. The main feature is a completion report that helps track the progress of system users. A z-score report is also included and draws upon the rating scores of users.